15.06.2013 – „Amber Volga” vintage Soviet car races in Mezaparks

Culture and Recreational Park “Mežaparks” is a site for various public events. In 2011, the legendary “Dzintara Volga” (Amber Volga) race was resumed in the “Mežaparks” in the status of vintage automobile race.

Photo: I.Zihmanis

Once, this race was among the most popular motor races in the USSR and was first held in the “Mežaparks” in 1963. "Dzintara Volga" was one of the most prestigious car competitions in the former Soviet Union and brought together tens of thousands of audience.

 In 2013, the “Dzintara Volga” celebrates its 50th anniversary, so the race and car show will be even more exciting and thrilling!

During the event at the Grand Stage of “Mežaparks”, all the interested persons will be able to observe the competition of Volgas, performances of the Soviet "pop-stars", exciting moto freestyle show, amazing dance performances, car exhibition "Padomju sapnis" ("Soviet Dream"), take a picture at real Soviet photographer's studio, and treat themselves with the real kvass, smoked chicken and other Soviet times treats in the Buffet.

 Gallery: "Amber Volga 2012" in Mežaparks

Amber Volga 2013, Event information:


June 15, 2013


The Grand Stage of “Mežaparks” (Mežaparka Lielā Estrāde, Ostas prospekts 11, Rīga, LV-1034)

 How you can get to “Mežaparks”?

Mežaparks” is a 25-30 minute tram ride out of town on Tram 11. You can pick up this tram behind the Opera house on Aspazijas bulvaris. Get off at tram-stop “Mežaparks”, and the park entrance is right there.



You can purchase tickets at “Biļešu Paradīze trade spots or buy them online in the “Bilešu Paradīze” internet shop www.bilesuparadize.lv. You can also buy tickets on the event day, in “Mežaparks”, from 11.00 till 15.00 near The Grand Stage gate No. 5.

Ticket price:  children under 18 years of age and seniors – 0.50 Ls;  adults – 2 Ls.


Event Program:

11:30               Amber Volga parade from Atpūtas lane (next to cafe Mežapuķe)

12:15               Amber Volga Race Start from the historic start line of 1963. Lap of honor along the historic circuit of Mežaparks

12:15               Enter the Grand Stage through gate No. 5

13:15               Volga Race show in the Grand Stage –Rīgas meži cup of championship

17:00               Awards

 Prizes for race winners are presented by AS "Latvijas Balzams" and AS "Dzintars".

During breaks:

 -          Soviet-era pop-stars Eolika

-          Soviet-era stuff marketplace

-          Photo studio in Soviet style

-          Exciting moto freestyle show

-          Dance performances

-          Soviet-era vehicle show Soviet Dream. Buying a personal car was one of the most craved dreams in Soviet times.


If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

[email protected]

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